Wednesday, September 10, 2008


IF YOU READ THIS BLOG, PLZ STAND UP. Or comment and tell us who you are!

Aubrey and I are a little boggled regarding the high number of hits our blog gets, and we're super curious as to who reads this!

So, do us a favor and comment. :]


Carina Johnson said...

i do. i stalk all your blogs. i am a stalker. wait what?

Aubrey said...

esp. those of you in the Balkans!

Sydney S. Kim said...

why are ppl so bad at roll call? i did this on my personal blog and i got, like, 6 people. which means those 6 people just hit refresh around 30 times a day, and i don't know anyone that bored.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog! But I read your rss feed, so I don't think I'm contributing to your hits?

Aubrey said...

my friend John just told me in real life that he read it. so this can be on his behalf, lol

arobotar said...

hi i'm a new reader. i read your blog! i'm sydney's half-gay boyfriend.

mandy said...

holla. just read this post.