Nice on sweaters, cardigans, lapels, etc. Tiny and pretty and classic. And some come with phrases like "GET IT DONE" and "READY AND WILLING," the former sounding more like Aubrey's mantra and the latter sounding like mine, sort of. Or something. Okay, maybe the opposite.

- s.
1 comment:
Hi. I have a question about one of the lapel pins I saw on this homepage/website. I found one of the pins pictured (in my attic when I moved in) and I would like to know about what it means, where it came from, how common it is, if it's at all valuable, and anything else related to its history. The pin I am referring to has the phrase "READY AND WILLING" printed at the bottom, has a red colored crest/(shield??) shape approximately 1 inch high and 1 inch long, and there's a red "X" in the upper left hand corner with a slight silver background behind it. If you or anyone that you think could help me answer these questions are able/willing to do so, please contact me at . You may also feel free to contact me by telephone. My number is 717-825-8741. I appreciate your time and efforts on my behalf. Thank You very much and have a great day. Respectfully,
Keith A. Musser
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