Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Persistent Plaid

The problem with tasteful trends is that everyone co-opts classy, nice things so much that it becomes hard to discern between wearers with good taste and clueless followers. Plaid and flannel and gingham and tartan and blah blah blah blah is so popular these days. I can't complain because it's now readily available wherever I go that I don't have to search for it. Well, that's not true; I now have to search for really special, unique patterns and colors that would go over the head of the average entry-level alt idiot.

I found this vintage Aquascutum plaid scarf on ebay. I can't afford it, but man, is it beautiful. I love the colors and the tasteful lines/stripes that trim the plaid.

It has now occurred to me that some people may find it confusing that a small asian girl dresses like an old white man.

- s.

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